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CIAMISmart Is The Best | English Version

What it Ciamismart?

Ciamismart is the first educational portal website in Ciamis which discusses lessons online. The website is located at Here we will review some of the things on the website Ciamismart

With the tagline CIAMISmart Is The Best websites have a very good idea to develop education in Ciamis in particular and Indonesia in general in a more creative and engaging students in middle-paced era of the internet.

ciamismart is the best

Ciamismart maker
Mr. Agus Irawan was the initiator of this very interesting website. Aside from being the instigators of the internet,is also the subject teachers Programming Web in SMA Informatika Ciamis, he is also a teacher of TIK in SMAN 3 Ciamis.

Thing you get in Ciamismart
Ciamismart is a website where we can learn with ease and fun through the Internet. Ciamismart which consists of several categories such as discussions, and educational information.
In accordance with the slogan CIAMISmart Is The Best website is indeed persuaded students to be smart utilize Internet technology for the advancement of education. It can be learned on the web this is as follows:

  1. Art And Culture
  2. Economy
  3. History
  4. Geography
  5. Chemistry
  6. Physics
  7. Biology
  8. Craft and Entrepreneurship
  9. Physical Education
  10. English
  11. History
  12. Mathematics
  13. Indonesian
  14. WEB Programming
  15. Religious Education

Features Ciamismart

  • Discussion: with this feature all the members the opportunity to discuss all topics related to education, especially in school lessons.
  • Educational information: in this feature we can find a variety of information related to education such as exam schedules, SNMPTN. As well as information about other educational

In addition to the above two features, there are some useful features, especially for students.

With a variety of features available on the website it is very useful and worth getting slogan "CIAMISmart Is The Best". Even so, there are some things that need to be improved, especially from the side of the display and web design because we think monotonous, although we are aware this is prioritizing content rather than appearance.
If you are interested in registering in Ciamismart you can follow the instructions we give here: How to Apply in Ciamismart. CIAMISmart Is The Best

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